Do you have any questions related to Tuudo? Would you like to know how Tuudo can simplify your everyday life? Would you like to work for us? Contact us, we are at your service!
Our email addresses are
Click here for invoicing details.

Ville Räty
Account Manager
Tel. 044 901 3999

Johanna Leinonen
Account Manager
Tel. 044 345 2357
Employer clients, invoicing, Recruitment Fair coordination, customer service, unions

Enni Halonen
Account Manager & HR
Parental leave

Johanna Kivimäki
Account Manager
Tel. 040 703 3242
University customers

Jasmin Junnelin
Business Director

Juha Mellin
Sales director
Tel. 040 502 8748
Media sales, marketing partners, student benefit campaigns, surveys in Tuudo

Katariina Kuki
Sales and Marketing Coordinator
Tel. 044 999 0434
Contents, social media, student collaborations

Sonja Arstio
Marketing and Communications Manager
Tel. 040 746 2657
Tuudo brand, contents, other issues related to marketing and communications

Jasmin Junnelin
Tel. 050 464 0104
Internal HR

Johanna Kivimäki
Tel. 040 703 3242
Recruitment and Tuudo’s employer image

Pasi Maronen
Tel. 040 683 8362

Ville Mustalahti
Commercial Manager
Tel. 050 331 3295
Sales Management and Development, Cooperations, Key Customers

Mikko Siika-aho
Project Manager
Launch projects, service delivery, project management
Do you need technical support or other customer service?
Is the Tuudo application not working properly or are you having some other related problems?
You get the best and fastest help if you send us a message
directly through Contact us -view in Tuudo app.
Paavo Havaksen tie 5 F, 90570 Oulu | Heikkiläntie 7, 00210 Helsinki | Business ID: 2718095-3