Higher educational students will once again have the opportunity to explore interesting employers and job opportunities at Tuudo’s 100% digital recruitment fair. The student recruitment event will take place in the Tuudo app from September 18th to September 21st, 2023, with a focus on part-time work. There is still room for new employers – get in touch and reserve your spot!
Tuudo organizes digital recruitment fairs twice a year, in January and September. The first recruitment fair was held in January 2021, and over the course of three years, the event has grown to become one of Finland’s largest digital recruitment events. In the spring of 2023, we set a new record with over 55,000 students visiting the fair nationwide. Learn more about the 2022 and 2023 fairs.
Finland’s largest student digital recruitment event is once again being held in collaboration with Oikotie.
What happens at the recruitment fair?
During the recruitment fair, Tuudo offers several features that make finding a job easy – and above all, fun! In the recruitment fair view, students can swipe right or left on employers and job postings based on their interests, much like a dating app for the professional world. Liked employers and job postings are saved in their favorites, making them easy to find later on.
Participation in the digital fair is easy for both employers and students. Students can participate in the fair anytime, anywhere, as everything happens in Tuudo application. There is no need for advance registration.
Employers don’t need to be physically present or even be on call at their computers. We upload the material to Tuudo, and employers can simply wait for contact from interested applicants.
Students get to meet employers in speed interviews
Employers can offer students the opportunity to schedule a time for a speed interview if they wish. A speed interview functions like a miniature job interview and is an excellent opportunity for both employers and students to get to know each other better. During the interview, employers can provide more information about job opportunities and ask students clarifying questions. Of course, students also have the opportunity to ask for more details about the job or the application process.
How does scheduling a speed interview work?
- Students create a job seeker profile in Tuudo and mark suitable time slots for interviews on Tuudo’s recruitment fair page.
- Once the job seeker profile and schedule are updated, students can apply for a speed interview time slot directly from the employer’s profile in Tuudo’s recruitment fair view. Employers offering speed interview opportunities will be identified by a heart symbol.
- Employers select interviewees based on the job seeker profile and get in touch with the student to arrange a mutually convenient time. Interviews are conducted via Teams.
Employers get to perform at the webinar on September 19th and 20th, 2023
The recruitment fair also includes a career-oriented webinar where employers can introduce themselves and provide more details about job opportunities to interested students. This is an excellent opportunity to increase visibility during the fair and get students interested in job opportunities. Students also have the opportunity to ask questions through chat.
This fall, the webinar will be held on Tuesday, September 19th, and Wednesday, September 20th, from 10 AM to 3 PM via Teams During the webinar days, there will be presentations from twenty employers from various industries. A more detailed program and schedule will be finalized closer to the event.
Registration for Finland’s largest student digital recruitment event is still open
Employer, are you looking to hire new employees, and does the job suit a university student? Or do you simply want to increase visibility and improve your employer image among students? You still have time to register for Tuudo’s recruitment fair! Currently, over 50 employers have already secured their spots at the fair, but there is still room for new employers. Participating in the September 2023 fair are:
- Joensuun kaupunki
- Humana
- Terrafame
- Sitowise
- Oma Säästöpankki
- Vantaan kaupunki
- Esperi Terveyspalvelut
- Kauniaisten kaupunki
- Pohjois-Savon hyvinvointialue
- DSV – Global Transport and Logistics
- Pohjois-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialue Pohde
- Ramboll Finland
- LähiTapiola
- Outokumpu
- Veikkaus
- Osuuskauppa Arina
- Osuuskauppa Peeässä
- Särkänniemi
- Helsingin kaupungin kasvatus ja koulutus
- Boliden
- Luonnonvarakeskus LUKE
- Ensto
- Eltel Networks
- Elomatic
- SSP Finland
- Rinnekodit
- Oulun kaupunki
- Fintraffic
- Sokotel
- Kesko Logistiikka
- Verohallinto
- Sarastia Rekry Oy
- Metsä Group
- Vitec Software Group
- Granlund
- Iisalmen kaupunki
- Hullu Poro Oy
- Valokuitunen
- Keski-Uudenmaan hyvinvointialue – Keusote
- Etelä-Savon hyvinvointialue Eloisa
- Vantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialue VAKE
- Lapland Hotels and Safaris
- Helsingin kaupungin sosiaali-, terveys- ja pelastustoimiala
- Medipower
- Elisa Oyj
- A-Insinöörit
- Savonlinnan kaupunki
- AFRY Finland
- Siun sote ─ Pohjois-Karjalan hyvinvointialue
- Hoivatie
- Kuntarekry
- Eilakaisla
- Kangasalan kaupunki
- Salon kaupunki
At the recruitment fair you reach higher educational students all across Finland. Tuudo is used in 30 higher educational institutions. Learn more.